Lindy Berg
Board President
Rocklake, ND
Lindy Berg is the Agriculture and Natural Resources NDSU Extension Agent for Towner County. She lives in Rocklake, ND with her husband, son and two dogs. Lindy works in a variety of areas within agriculture, which may include weed management, cropping systems, pest management, soil health, and horticulture. Lindy formed the first NDSU Extension Small Farm program team and is the contact for small farmers. She is also a North Dakota SARE Co-Coordinator and a past National Chair for the National Association for County Agricultural Agents - Sustainable Agriculture Committee. In her down time, Lindy likes to travel and spend time with her family.

Britney Barnett
Vice President
Arnegard, ND
Britney farms alongside her husband in western North Dakota, they raise a diverse rotation of crops in a no-till system - peas, lentils, safflower, durum, hard red spring wheat and barley. In addition to being a full-time farmer, she is raising two daughters, volunteers quite often and serves on a few other boards. Someday she hopes to have her own cut flower farm or pumpkin patch! Britney loves hiking, camping, spending time with her dogs (Razi & Syver).

Jane Schreck
Bismarck, ND
Jane Schreck taught English at Bismarck State College for over 20 years, retiring in May 2021. Now professor emerita, she continues her connection to the college as the community representative for BSC’s Bringing Humanities to Life Program. In 2009, Jane began researching and writing on the works of writer-farmer Wendell Berry for a doctoral dissertation. Digging into Berry’s thinking was life-changing in many ways and expanded her perspective beyond the industrial thinking of modern American culture to an agrarian view of the world. This ongoing scholarship is the source of sympathy for and understanding of the mission of FARRMS. Jane and her husband Dan have two grown children. They live in Bismarck, where in the appropriate season, they enjoy bicycling, gardening, and cross-country skiing.

Paul Overby
Wolford, ND
Paul Overby is a leading edge regenerative farmer, along with his wife Diane, from Wolford, ND. Field peas and sunflowers were the first crops added to a wheat/barley, flax rotation and now they plant eight crops per year and are experimenting with polycropping. Rotations are built mostly for ecological contributions along with economics. Overby began field zone management and no-till in 2005. They partnered with General Mills and ADM on regenerative ag pilot programs, helping farmers and businesses learn about regenerative ag. Stewardship and sharing with others are hallmarks of their farm. Overby is a supervisor for the Rolette County Soil Conservation District and serves on the ND SBARE New & Emerging Crops Committee, the NDSU Precision Ag and NDSU Ag Biosystems and Engineering Advisory Councils. He is a past board member of the Manitoba/North Dakota Zero-Till Farmers Association. Paul and Diane were recently selected as 2023 Rolette County Conservation Achievement Award recipients.
Join our Board of Directors!
Are you seeking connection to a network of exceptional local food and farm producers? Are you eager to engage in a thriving sustainable food system in North Dakota? Do you aspire to contribute to a statewide network dedicated to assisting farmers with their small businesses? If so, join us and become part of a vibrant community committed to growth and collaboration in sustainable agriculture.
FARRMS Board of Directors help shape the mission and vision of FARRMS and provide oversight on policy and finance. We encourage anyone to apply who is committed to growing sustainable agriculture and strengthening local food systems.
Your success as a board member is important to our organization. We offer board professional development and opportunities to connect personally with our mission such as farm field days and board retreats.
Board of Directors Overview:
Term limits are 3 years.
Board meets quarterly.
Meetings are held virtually on Zoom.
Ensure strong fiduciary oversight and financial management.
Approve and monitor FARRMS’ programs and services.
Fundraise and resource development.
Enhance FARRMS’ public image.